We will recruit and train a team of motivated specialists who will work for you for a longer time

Permanent recruitment is the ideal solution for companies that don’t have extensive recruitment departments but want to reach a narrow group of specialists that are still few and far between on the labour market. Steam provides S-class employees: super-trustworthy, super-diligent, and super-reliable. Our candidates are proven people boasting various qualifications and skills.

Recruitment of specialists

When it comes to recruiting specialists, we not only verify their professional, managerial, and personal skills, but also take a close look at their motivation and all formalities. In highly specialised recruitments, we also analyse recommendations and conduct professional tests to further confirm a candidate’s suitability.

Recruitment leads
per year

contractors in 900 businesses in Poland

recruitment processes per year

We offer more than recruitment

We strive to better understand our clients’ needs, optimise processes, and increase operational efficiency. We analyse the market and the competition, create advertisements, monitor results, develop the skills of the management team, organise internal trainings, and support you in your daily challenges.

Before undertaking recruitment activities, we analyse the current situation in the market, what rates are attractive, how the competition works and what it offers. We also scrutinise the market in terms of our clients’ operations. The information we gain this way is the first step towards successful recruitment.

Deciding on the right portal and posting an advertisement is not enough. We check whether the advertisement is effective, how many people have viewed it, and how many have applied. We also continuously improve it in line with the information we gather.

In the recruitment process, we employ a two-stage decision process based on six key categories, ensuring accuracy in the selection of candidates. We keep the client updated on the outcomes and challenges we have encountered. With us, reaching a decision and selecting the best candidate becomes much easier.

We survey employee satisfaction both after a month and after a year of working together, so we know what we can do better. We also interview people leaving a company (that is, we carry out exit interviews) to get a deeper understanding of their motivations.

We help managers develop their skills by organising workshops and trainings. We listen to them, ask about their needs and do everything in our power to meet them. We focus on trainings, acquiring new skills, and sharing knowledge between departments.

Numerous trainings and consultations give the recruitment department a competitive edge and let its members respond more quickly to emerging needs. We monitor the market, acquire new skills, and know how to talk to candidates so that they prove themselves in our clients’ jobs.

One of the keys to our success is the atmosphere of partnership, support, and guidance. The Recruitment Department exchanges knowledge with other departments, such as the sales or the operations ones, to effectively conduct the process of recruiting new people in a changing environment.

The stability of workforce,
production, and development

As we operate within a corporate group, we have an extensive database of candidates boasting multiple different qualifications and competences. We know how to recruit a motivated team. Our clients save time and money while we conduct a continuous recruitment process.

60 employees
in 5 months

suitable people in just 3 days

36 people from Ukraine in 14 days

Who can we find for you?

Let’s talk

A reliable team
of professionals

Recruiters, coordinators, regional managers – these people are just part of the team that work towards your success. If you cooperate with us, you can always count on the help of our specialists stationed in five field offices.

Ensures the smooth running of recruitment operations and oversees your assignment. Establishes good communication, organises work, and manages the process.

A designated, industry-knowledgeable recruiter monitors the current market situation to find reliable and diligent people to work for you.

Plans and coordinates activities mainly in the administrative area. Deals, among other things, with correspondence and contracts, and ensures the optimal flow of information.

Communicates with the client and selects the best method of project delivery. Ensures that services are provided in line with all expectations.

In your day-to-day work, you also talk to the representatives of such departments as OHS, Client Service, or Accounting. They all have a stake in the success of the project.

recruitment process

We tailor recruitment activities to your needs. Depending on what kind of employees you are looking for, we choose the most effective ways to find the right people.

If you are looking for someone for an entry-level position, we create an advertisement in line with your requirements, publish it in the right places, and provide you with the profiles of chosen applicants. To speed up recruitment, we also use our competence database.

In the case of entry-level positions that require additional skills, we extend our recruitment activities. We vet the candidates for the declared skills, e.g. language proficiency or knowledge of a program, and confirm their readiness to take the job.

In the case of key positions, we employ the basic processes, but we also carefully verify the additional requirements. We make sure that not only the professional, managerial, and personal skills, but also the formalities and the candidate’s motivation are in line with the client’s expectations.

Highly specialised recruitments, apart from employing basic processes and verifying additional requirements, involve analysing recommendations and conducting professional tests to further confirm a candidate’s suitability. Our recruiter participates in two stages of the process and advises on the final decision.