Reliable workers
from the East

from Ukraine

from Georgia

from Moldova

from Belarus

from Armenia

Our contractors can expect assistance with accommodation, bank account opening, and completing all formalities. We source candidates with the additional help of our on-site recruiter.

Diverse job positions

We recruit personnel for the positions of quality controllers, machine operators, warehouse workers, welders, team leaders, and coordinators.

Speed and efficiency

Our rigorous recruitment standards and effective additional actions let us maximally reduce the time taken to source contractors.

Our ways
to achieve success

A designated recruiter travels to the job location to support our recruitment activities locally. They not only distribute leaflets or posters, but also contacts the city council and the local employment office. On-site recruitments supported by our original solutions produce the best results.

Recruitment marketing is an activity through which we promote our values, strengthen our image as a quality-oriented, friendly company, and attract candidates. In order to better present job offers and benefits of working for our clients, we organise open days. We take a holistic approach to the recruitment process.

We offer contractors assistance in securing accommodation. The search for accommodation is carried out at the same time as other recruitment processes, so that everything is ready when the work starts. Contractors are familiar with our modus operandi and know that they can count on suitable accommodation.

We want to make it at least a little easier for every person from the East to meet the basic requirements. If the situation calls for it, we help those willing reach the site of medical examinations and assist them by translating from Polish.

We check the compliance of documents with the law and all regulations. We try to make the formalities easier for candidates – we help with visa declarations, type A work permits, and the residence card applications, and assist in opening a bank account and obtaining a PESEL (Polish Resident Identification Number).

Additional actions

Translation of OHS training materials for plants

Onboarding of new staff

Translation of instructions and training materials

Making appointments and providing support in terms of medical examinations

Steam means going full steam ahead with work

120+ workers from the East in 1 month

129 people from Ukraine
in 1 month

36 people and a coordinator in 2 weeks

36 workers from Ukraine in 14 days

We did it by:


Opting for effective planning with sound analysis of the competitive market.


Conducting a swift recruitment process with the help of our own reliable solutions.


Ensuring effective coordination and establishing good communication with clients and staff.


Adapting to changing conditions and circumstances.


Relying on interdepartmental cooperation and exchanging knowledge and expertise.